Lifespan Dance can bring qualified teaching dance artists into your space.
We have extensive experience in working in aged care settings. Working together with allied staff we are able to create an appropriately paced seated dance class for your residents.
Our experience in working with people with Parkinson's, MS, dementia, Alzheimers and other conditions has meant we can create suitable class content delivered in a way which invites participants to move their bodies in the way they can.
Email your enquiry and preferred dates to our Bookings Team on lifespan.dance@gmail.com.

Aged Care
Lifespan Dance have led Seated Dance classes in a number of aged care settings including hospital settings.
Recent classes have been taught at Fremantle Hospital Neuro-Rehabilitation Program, Brightwater, Bethanie, SwanCare, MercyCare, Opalcare, Aegis Care, Curtin Heritage Living, Juniper and St Jude's.
Retirement Villages and Seniors Social Centres
Seated Dance Classes are popular in independent living villages and social centres.
Lifespan Dance has recently taught classes at Alchera Living, Ocean Beach Gardens, Bethanie Social Centres, Probus Groups, Town of Victoria Park Library and City of Gosnells Seniors Centres.
Presentations & Demonstrations
Presentations and demonstrations can be planned to include audiences. The audiences are led through an interactive sample of our choreographed dances.
Lifespan has led bespoke interactive performance demonstrations at Ocean Beach Womens Health Week, WA Care & Ageing Expo, Warm-Up events in conferences such a AWA Dementia Conference and the National Disability Symposium.